Wednesday, July 1, 2009

One last message: Over and Out

If there is anyone out there reading this blog, and I am guessing that's a big if, you would know that I have been a bit philosophical about some Web 2 applications. Are some of them really offering something new? And might we be losing something along the way? But I don't want to leave a lasting impression of a Luddite because, if there is actually someone out there reading my past blogs, they would know there is far more that I like than not. YouTube and Googlemaps have become a regular part of my daily life. Admittedly YouTube is more of a guilty pleasure, but Googlemaps has become an essential tool. I suppose it is all about what works for you. What works for the library that's another matter. I think it is important as librarians to ask ourselves, is an application providing a useful service or simply and enjoyable experience? I think we should be focusing on applications that will have long term use. Not that there is anything wrong with thinking about the experience of our users. Ideally we should be providing both something useful and enjoyable. But if we are to avoid getting caught up in fads that will eventually fade, we need to ask the question: Are we helping our users to learn more effectively by embracing a particular Web2 application? So far I think we have done well.
Well that's it.
Over and out from me!

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